Jumat, 20 Mei 2011



Abstract: The gap between the world of education to the world of work can be started from the current curriculum or the field. Educational backwardness can be seen from the level of mastery of skills and expertise in conformity with the needs of the working world. The hope is that graduates have mastered the skills and expertise in accordance with the needs of the community. The development of the workforce has led to rapid trend kedaluarsaannya skills program graduates Non-Formal Education. To control kedaluarsaan it should be noted educational principles of Non-Formal Education program skills particularly with regard to curriculum and management of education. 

Key Words: graduate, kedaluarsaan, skills 

Left behind the world of education with community development at its core can be caused by two things. First, it can be caused by a curriculum or educational programs should be implemented.Education programs that have been designed in the form of curriculum is not really based on real needs of society. Nationally accepted curriculum there is a greater tendency towards the emergence of the first cause of this. Each region has its characteristics, the type and level of needs of different communities. With the enactment of a national curriculum, regional differences were neglected so that the probability of the difference between educational programs conducted at the Non-Formal Education program skills with the real needs of society. 
The second factor that can cause tertinggalnya world of education with the needs of the community is a weakness in executive education operational level, the weakness in more practical level caused by management factors, both relating to human resources and non human. Management, in addition to the curriculum, is one of the dominant subsystem for determining the successful implementation of educational level, skills Non Formal Education program. Should any curriculum has been designed, if its implementation is not supported by effective management, the less likely that educational objectives have been set forth that can be achieved completely. 
This paper tries to find an alternative solution to the problem. The discussion focused on management, because in the Non Formal Education program management skills is seen as the most important components that determine the effectiveness of the implementation of Non Formal Education program skills in addition to the curriculum. 

The gap between the world of education Non-Formal Education with the world of work is always characterized by the underdevelopment of Non Formal Education program skills at a rate of growth in the world of work. Backwardness can be seen from two things. The first can be seen at the level of skills of the graduates of Non Formal Education program skills in a particular field of employment required by the world of work. In this educational program on Non Formal Education program skills have been directed in accordance with areas of expertise needed by the world of work. However, given the level of mastery that is absorbed or Non Formal Education program skills through education is not commensurate with the demands of skills or expertise needed by the people who actually work. In other words, the learners have learned the skills needed by the family of working people but the level of depth mastery of skills that are not equivalent to the requirement. 
Second, the lag can be seen from the family-owned expertise or skills are different from the needs of the community. There is a possibility that the level of expertise possessed by the graduate students have reached a level that memadahi, but because it does not match the expertise of the workforce skills needed to pass the gap between the two. Curriculum-oriented past and the present course will usually confronts the graduates with a lag, called this second. Seriously and with an effective method dibelajarkan children to achieve the objectives set out in the curriculum. But despite the good result nonetheless in accordance with the past and no longer relevant to today's what else the future. 
The development of the workforce that continues to drive quickly also leads to the two factors. First day working world increasingly demanding workforce skills are the higher quality, and tend towards the demands of a professional department. Along with that diversity of both areas of expertise that can still be classified with existing working families as well as the emergence of new fields of work also proceeded rapidly. Thus, improvement and renewal in education must be continually performed, both concerning content-related curriculum and management in order to achieve the goals stated in the curriculum. This is necessary for the rate of development of society do not always make educational products become outdated or at least not quickly outdated. 
Many experts have suggested various concepts for product education is always in accordance with community demands. There are certain principles which it is suggested that educational skills Non Formal Education program on an ongoing basis to adapt to the needs of the working world. From a number of principles suggested can be classified in two ways, namely curriculum and management. 
In general terms, this principle can be interpreted as a basis or principle in the form of truth that became the principal basis of reasoning or action.In a more specific sense, the principle is defined as the basic idea that is used as a means of evaluation of the actions that have been implemented or as a guide the actions to come. 
With regard to education skills Non Formal Education programs, many of the principles that need to be considered for Non Formal Education program skills can be more directional, so that educational goals can be achieved effectively and efficiently. If concluded there are nine principles chosen, then grouped into three, (1) the principles selected, and then grouped into three, (1) the principles for the organization, (2) the principles for the administration, and (3) principles Principles for teaching. 
The principles are categorized in the principles for the organization include definitions, functions, requirements and procedures. In more detail the principles that include: First, the educational skills of Non Formal Education programs merupkan part of the overall education program, serves to prepare someone for having the ability to do useful work in society and give the possibility to those who wish to develop such capabilities. 
Second, the education program skills Non Formal Education programs should be based on the needs of individuals and society. For that there should be a torch or research on an ongoing basis regarding the need, especially the local community needs and initiatives; and third, education program participants skills Non Formal Education should always be given the opportunity to obtain information and guidance about work. 
Efficient administration in the education program skills Non Formal Education programs collide at the problems more complex than general education. This happens because the need for greater funds and the need for fitness education skills Non Formal Education program with the parties user labor. Thus, the necessary principles intended primarily related to cooperation with community, education Technical Resource Person, qualified personnel, efficient supervision and teaching. 
First, in terms of cooperation with the community, organizing and planning skills education programs Non Formal Education should involve members of the community. Keterlibatkan This can be through representatives from all walks of life and the background area of
​​expertise residing in the community. Through such involvement is expected of the provisions established for a course skills Non Formal Education programs can be more beneficial and in accordance with the demands of society. 
Secondly, the Technical Resource Persons still have an important role in the education skills Non Formal Education program. Therefore, the Technical Resource Persons or educational personnel skills Non Formal Education programs should be completely competent in their fields. In fact, it is suggested that educational personnel skills Non Formal Education programs have professional qualifications. Personnel that should be prepared through education institutions that have superior facilities and personnel so as to meet the demands of professional qualifications.Finally, supervision of educational skills Non Formal Education program is essential to improving instruction. 
Methods and teaching materials in educational skills Non Formal Education program is very different from general education. The distinction lies in several things, among others: the interests and objectives of Non Formal Education program skills demands of industry, standard achievement and graduate performance, and technological change constantly in the economic order. Some of the following principles will assist the Technical Resource Persons in order to provide best services to the Non-Formal Education program skills in the classroom. 
First, the teaching skills of Non Formal Education programs should be selected and awarded on the basis of what is needed for a job (occuptional needs). Teaching programs should be flexibly defined in the sense: in terms of length of flexible education, flexible to the various needs of individuals, and others. 
Second, the conditions under which teaching should be given in accordance with the conditions demanded by the job significantly. Therefore, Äúreal jobs, Äù is the best laboratory for the education skills Non Formal Education programs.So is the standard of work, should be comparable or even higher than the standard recognized for a line of work. 
Third, teaching skills program PNF should include information and activities designed to protect and preserve human life. 
Besides it is necessary to also consider the following things: First, education should be as wide as possible coverage, for graduates who find work may find place in other employment with the qualification which is adjacent to areas of skills, second, education should be as deep as possible, for future job seekers have adequate qualifications for the job specialization, and a third, backwards-oriented education front as far as possible, so that with the ongoing technological developments do not happen quickly kedaluarsaan qualification. 
In terms of administration and management, the need for equality and perceptions of all involved parties about the meaning, function, requirements and procedures should be applied to the education system skills Non Formal Education program.Community involvement in education administration skills Non Formal Education programs are also an important factor for the success of educational skills Non Formal Education programs. Expertise Technical Resource Persons also need to be constantly upgraded, so supervision of education for Technical Resource Persons will be important needs that can not be circumvented. In addition through its supervision of inservice education, preservice education by teacher education institutions also need to be increased, especially in terms of quality graduates. 
The similarity of perceptions on all parties involved about the meaning, function, requirements and procedures should be applied to the education system skills Non Formal Education program. 

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