Jumat, 20 Mei 2011



Abstract: A model of learning strategies can be applied to Non-Formal Education. Selection of one model or the strategy of combining more than one model of the strategy, must still consider the uniqueness of each Non Formal Education program and participants performed in a fun didiknya.Pembelajaran plus exciting to enhance the acquisition of learning outcomes 

Keywords: non-formal education, the model strategy 

As we know that non-formal education programs are not restricted by level, learning orientation is practical, flexible and short-term, the learning program is a response to the urgent needs of society, and not oriented towards a diploma. In non-formal learning process more emphasis on some principles such as: (i) placing citizens as subjects of active learning, (ii) emphasis on the needs of learning, (iii) use partipatif approach since the preparation / planning learning programs, and (iv) implementation of the program learning to evaluate their learning progress. 
Target non-formal education in the future cover all walks of life, not limited by age, gender, socioeconomic status and level of previous education. However, this target is not only a priority to those who have never been to school, dropping out of school or who graduated from school and wanted to get a job, non-formal education also serve all people without exception, including those who already have high education level and / or permanent employment though. In other words non-formal educational objectives are those who still need additional knowledge / skills to improve themselves. This is in accordance with the motto of lifelong education. 
To provide these services Non-Formal Education, education and necessary support staff that are reliable. Teachers and non-formal education consisted of civil servants and not the Civil Service. Educators and education personnel with the status of civil servants is the Civil Learning and inspectors. While the teachers and the status of non-civil servants are tutors, facilitators Village Intensive Patronage, Power Field Dikmas, technical resource persons, Pamong Early Childhood Education, and so forth. 
In fact, support teachers and just not reliable enough to gain from a good learning process of Early Childhood Education program, literacy, equality and training that can boast of the world Non-Formal Education. It takes a strategy in the learning process Non-Formal Education, in order to maximize program results. 
Efforts to improve the quality of non-formal education through a conducive learning strategies model intended to describe the models of learning strategies that can be applied to the Non-Formal Education, so as to improve its quality 



Several models of learning strategies can be applied to Non-Formal Education. Selection of one model or the strategy of combining more than one model of the strategy, must still consider the uniqueness of each program PNF and learners. 

A. Quantum Learning and Quantum 
Quantum Quantum Learning and Teaching: 
1. Quantum learning 
2. Quantum teaching 
Quantum teaching born after Quantum Learning study published in 1982. Learning and teaching activities requiring mental preparation as well as physik so that all who do these two activities above do not feel a tremendous sense of fatigue. Bobbi DePorter trying to make a breakthrough through a variety of experiments to find an enjoyable method of learning for teachers and learners. 
Through Quantum teaching learners will print not only academic skills, but also have life skills. Both the above skills is not just a stock after they take lessons, but life provision for the future lives of learners. 
Application of Quantum teaching class, described as a concert performance of a musical. In this activity the teacher acts as a dirigent (leader) yangs edang play a song, while students serve as the orchestra players. As an orchestral player is.As a leader of the orchestra would have to master the song to be played; is described as. Learning materials. Arena orchestra / stage can be likened to a classroom. Structuring the stage / grade should be true, and interesting. For example: why singers always in the middle of the stage. We often see the singer who just stands in the middle of the stage from start to finish the song? But there are singers who always walked to and fro as he greeted the audience and some even invite the audience to sing along. If we are faced with both the above models will certainly choose the latter model because it involved merada audience (that's like if the teacher acts as a singer). 
Then we must understand correctly that the musical instruments that mempunayi different characteristics and must be held by the people that match these characteristics. Different from the guitar playing the flute, but flute is almost similar (to play) with sexofon or type of trumpet. Similarly, playing the piano with keyboardl; although there are still almost the same specific differences. Each learner has a different character: they have the potential, character, fuel, interest, comprehension is different, because that's very fair if a teacher knew exactly about the characteristics of their students and have a map-class capabilities. With Quantum teaching will include specific instructions for the creation of more effective learning environment, curriculum design, deliver content and facilitate the learning process. 
Some keywords are used as a backrest to understand Quantum teaching include: 
Interactions that converts energy into light. Every interaction that exist within and around the moment of learning is used for learning to be effective and can influence the obtained result of learning. 
Pemercepatan learn: 
Getting rid of barriers that impede the process of scientific learning, with the deliberate use of music, color the surrounding environment, develop appropriate teaching materials, how effective the presentation, the active involvement of all parties. 
Facilitate all business; restore learning conditions in an activity that is easy and natural. 
The principle of business: 
Lean On teaching quantum concepts is: bring them into the world our world and take our world into their world, 0 is simply to be understood that: Decree (Decree), teaches us to be a bridge into the world of student life. SK has the authority to teach. This means that we have the right megajar.Teaching is a right that should be seized and given the students not by the Ministry of Education. Who know exactly about the students are teachers rather than outside forces. The meeting will students with the willingness of teachers. 
The principles: 
- Everything speaks 
- Everything is aimed at 
- Experience before giving a name 
- Acknowledge every effort 
- If feasible learned the proper 
- Celebrated 
Elements of Quantum Teaching Model 
Two key elements in the teaching of quantum; context and content of context include 1) The atmosphere is empowering, 2) a solid foundation, 3) Enabling environment; 4) design a dynamic learning content while Dait corner mliputi 1) Presentation of a prime; 2) flexible facilities, 3) learning to learn skills, 4) life skills. 
Quantum Learning teaching philosophy appended:
Grow interests satisfactorily. What is the benefit to me (AMBAK), and take advantage of student life. 
Provide key words, concepts, models, formulas an entry strategy. 
Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate that they know. 
Show the students the ways to repeat and affirm "I know that I did know." 
Recognition for settlement, participation and acquisition of skills and knowledge. 

B. The Learning Revolution 
Conducted in a fun learning exciting plus to increase the learning outcomes. The word fun means all physical and non physical components benas from various pressures. Fun will clear the way someone in utilizing all its potential (teachers and students) are optimal in other words the fun will encourage someone to mean it, engaging, fun in doing something included in the study. These lessons incorporate elements of Emotional Intelligence, so the fun is diakitkan with positive emotions. 
The Learning Revolution is anticipated on abd information using human brain tissue is less optimized. Both are combined with the creation of a conducive learning atmosphere with a fun and exciting atmosphere. 
Some of the characteristics possessed of The Learning Revolution, among others: 
Acknowledging the differences of each learner; differences Subjective meliptui; intelligence, needs, potentials, talents and other interests, associated with this is the learners' learning styles such as the type of visual, audio, incoherent move your body (kinestik) and others. 
Learn about how to learn and ways of thinking.Learning how to learn means learning how to work, the way we store information, retrieve it, link it with other concepts, seeking new knowledge, whenever you need a quick (acelerated learning). 

Progress of Non-Formal Education world, can only be achieved through the arrangement of a good education, including selection of model appropriate learning strategies to the type of courses and learners. Efforts to improve the quality of Non-Formal Education is expected to raise Indonesia's human dignity. Non Formal Education therefore must be adaptable to changing times, so it is not always considered a secondary education Formal Education. 

Bobbi De Porter, et al. 1992. Quantum Teaching.Kaifa Bandung. 

I Nyoman Sudana Degeng. 
1997. Learning Strategies. IKIP Malang 

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