Jumat, 20 Mei 2011



Abstract: The world of education is a field that is quite complex, because the situation is strongly influenced by the seven main factors, namely Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Cultural, Economic, legalistic, and Philosophy. In relation between the world of education with the working world, all parents wish for their children to school continue through to completion. But for many reasons, not all children can attend school. Apparently there is a gap between the goals of education with educational outcomes (Guidelines 1993). To
drawing nea between results and objectives, one possible way is to improve teaching and learning process that is adding subjects "Career Guidance".

Key words: students, working world

Education is one of the very complex social field. It is said that, because this area is influenced by the seven major factor as the foundation of education, namely: Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Cultural, Economic, legalistic, and Philosophy (Blackinsten and Robert in Soedomo 1990). Therefore, before discussing more about the world of education, it is necessary first to understand the brief description of the influence of the following to 7.
Educational events partly colored by the psychology of interaction networks, particularly in relation to the business of education is a matter of learning. The degree of mastery of professional educators on the interaction of psychology will determine the success and failure in influencing student learning.
Education institutions influence and are influenced by society. If the move in a dynamic educational institution then the society will move in a dynamic, and vice versa. When viewed from the interests of society as a whole, the main function is as developer cultural education. For the people of Indonesia, which consists of many tribes have their own culture, they will have a pattern of acculturation, the process makes the individual to be able to adjust to the environment. And enculturation, the process of acceptance of foreign cultural elements without losing its own cultural identity. In addition, culture in the home need to be adapted to the culture at the school. The existence of conflict between these two cultures would disrupt the education process. Similarly, the existence of cultural discontinuity, namely children limited her social environment. This will have difficulties to adjust to the environment, especially against the world of work.
In essence of education is a process of transformation of values
​​and culture of one generation to the next generation. Because of that education process will be closely linked to the cultural background of the ongoing educational process (Brooks, in Soedomo, 1990). In this regard we realize that the state of our society is quite diverse. Where diversity is possible will be an obstacle for students' learning process.
To avoid "culture shock", the development of education in its national culture need to be focused on efforts to preserve and develop the noble values
​​of the nation, the values ​​of stimulate power and social institutions in supporting national development processes, to stimulate enthusiasm for growing creative community without ignoring the personality of the nation (Soedomo, 1990).
Education is seen as the economic progress of a community resource. Conversely advancement of education efforts require strong economic support (Unesco, in Soedomo, 1990).
Education must be in line with legislation and education development planning. That is an assumption that is believed truth to guide education toward the goal. According to the 1993 guidelines of our national education goals; improve the quality of Indonesian human. This increase is meant to make man: faithful and devoted to God Almighty, pekeni virtuous noble, personality, independent, advanced, resilient, intelligent. creative, skilled. disciplined, beretos work, professionally responsible, productive, and healthy physical and spiritual. So any educational policy should depart from the philosophy used in designing the curriculum, because it is strongly influenced by educational products educational philosophy adopted.
Now we already know that the context of the education world are simultaneously influenced by 7 basis above education. This means, that any measures taken must first consider the influence of to-7 basis above. Thus, it should not be any policy that clashed with one of these to-7 basis. If the clash, it is not obtained by solving the problem, but it will bring new problems that will increase the complex world of education. So education is not a linear problem that is predictable development, but rather a complex problem. Thus it takes a broad and deep insight in react to it. As disclosed by Fuad Hasan (1992) who reminds us that should in no hurry "to think short cuts" in the world education. This is necessary so as not to cause huge losses.

The gap between objective and Education Results
While this is generally the rate that is considered to obtain a job that is: the Armed Forces, Public Servant or Private, factory workers, and other work that gets a monthly salary (Muslih Usa, 1991). In this case the school must be viewed as an institution that seems to print only the labor. This view is certainly not justified, because according to the guidelines in 1993 the goal of education is to improve the quality of the Indonesian people, namely: faith and devoted to God Almighty, virtuous noble character, personality. independent, advanced, powerful, intelligent, creative, skilled, disciplined, beretos working, responsible and productive professional and physically and mentally healthy. If this goal is reached, it seems the problem of unemployment will be solved by itself. But if formal education is only capable of printing workers (bumh), may have deficiencies in teaching and learning process. Because the learning process is one fiaktor that also determines the quality of learning outcomes.

Introduction When is the World of Work Done
Hope the parents to send their children to completion is good. But keep in mind, that reality, not all graduates of Package A, Package B, Package C, can attend school. And especially graduates Package A and Package C has not met the working age. However, it is certain that the graduates of Package A and Package C will be entering the working age as well. Therefore, in this primary education level, would not hurt if it is introduced to the world of work. So although it is still sitting in the Package A learners can have an idea of
​​what work would be suitable for him to be selected. Although the choice was still unstable, but it means they have started berpikk in adults according to his intellectual development. Thus, meaning that the learners at the level of Package A, Package B and Package C need to be introduced to the world of work. Implementation can be adjusted to the level of intellectual development of children. About how the model introduction to the world of work, can we follow the following discussion.

Introduction Maximizing the World of Work To Educate Participants Equality Program
For the introduction of the working world to students of equality programs to achieve optimal results, the introduction is divided
becoming three levels, namely level of Package A, Package B and Package C
For learners Package A world recognition of this work aims to generate awareness of the work environment. Implementation can be done by way of example, provide the right information is done by way of example, provide appropriate information about the various jobs are often found in his neighborhood, and close look at the atmosphere of people who are working. In this way plus the help of teachers in connecting it with the relevant lesson, then the child will be ingrained sense of honor and respect towards people who work.
For Package B students, the introduction of the world of work aiming to understand more about the world of work. Implementation can be by way of the above plus a discussion of the requirements, skills, and how they should do a good job. Besides itum can also dikakukan by providing opportunities to children to obtain information first-hand exploration of the people doing the work.
For learners Package C, the introduction of the working world and persiapa difokuskn to the orientation that can be done by the learners. At this time the students were given varying information about a variety of jobs, the necessary requirements, how to apply for, and create a cover letter. In addition, those from public schools need additional special ketrampila, which can be used as the stock went into the world of work. For those coming from vocational school provision is deemed sufficient skills.
Maximizing the introduction of the world of work in accordance with this educational level is more beneficial for the child and parent and educational institution. Since its implementation can be adjusted to existing conditions. In addition, the model of delivery can be arranged integrally with the subject or subjects stand alone as a Career Guidance.
According to the opinion of the writer, the introduction of the working world should stand alone as a subject, because it takes time cukupbanyak. It was on the basis that the material is quite a lot, namely information about all kinds of good work that has been done or not you have ever done. This was deemed necessary so that the students have ample knowledge about the world of work. Especially how to understand the existing natural resources around them, that is looking at the possibility of employment opportunities in their own environment. If this can be possible also to reduce the rapid flow of urbanization, so that workers do not accumulate in the urban areas. Because of the importance of the role of introducing the world of work, then the subject of this career guidance should be submitted by the senior tutor, which is relatively more knowledge and experience.

In the world of education we should not rush to think short cuts, because there are many educational foundation as an influential factor. Educational foundation are: psychology, culture, sociology, economics, legalistic, anthropology, and
philosophy connection with education upbringing of children, can be understood if all parents want their children to school continue through to completion. But other alternatives need to be seen, because not all children's experience to continue schooling because of various reasons. Therefore, the learners should also be prepared to enter the working world. Thus, graduates are ready to proceed next to the school is also prepared to enter the working world. It is considered important, because if later on it turns out the child cannot attend school for one thing, children and parents are ready mentally to enter the world of work, thus not too disappointed.Listen
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Hasan, F. 1992, Jan. 21. Do not be hasty shortcutsthinking in education. Compass, pp. XII.

Broad Outlines of State Policy. 1993.

Soedomo, 1990. Education Platform. Malang:Postgraduate Program in Teachers' Training College, Dept.

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