Jumat, 20 Mei 2011


Abstract: improving the quality of human resources is an absolute prerequisite for achieving national development goals. One vehicle to enhance the quality of human resources is through education so that quality education must be constantly improved.As a key factor in the success of development, the quality of human resources should receive high priority to be improved through various educational programs conducted in a systematic and targeted based on interests held in a systematic and targeted based on interests that refers to the advancement of science and technology based on faith and piety 
. Issuance of Law no. 22 of 1999 on Regional Autonomy, in essence giving the authority and flexibility to the regions to organize and manage the interests of local people own initiative based on community aspirations in accordance with legislation. Provisions are based on regional autonomy law has brought changes in many areas of life, especially in the administration of education.In the draft Law on National Education System which generated a lot of controversy lately also explained that the implementation and educational responsibilities in accordance with the Law on Regional Autonomy, the Regional Head (Bupati / Mayor / District Head) will be given full authority to provide education according to ability and potential areas. Thus, L-Based Management in the era of autonomy is a matter that should be put forward, including the implementation of Non-Formal education. 

Keywords: school-based management, the education system, educational autonomy 

Education is really for who? Surely the answer is that education for students, for young people which is the next generation of the future. If so, of course, the content of their education should be adjusted in the future and the pattern is of course also be adapted to what educational content and characteristics of students. 
On the other hand, the characteristics of students and supporters are very diverse environment. This is where the Non-Formal Education can play a role. Education that lasts a lifetime and every individual is a "learning station", so the only education system that can reduce the huge gaps between population differences educated and the uneducated or less. 
During this time, impressed the implementation of school based management is only for formal schools, and institutions of the delivery of Non Formal Education is also the "school". So the School-Based Management legitimate implemented by the "school" Non-Formal Education, as these institutions Non-Formal Education providers also have the same authority to provide education in accordance with their capabilities and potential. 


1. The basic concept of School-Based Management 
School-Based Management is a new paradigm of education that provides broad autonomy at the school level (community involvement) in the framework of national education policy. Autonomy given to schools free to manage resources and sources of funds to allocate them according to priority needs and more responsive to local needs (E. Mulyasa, 2002:24). At the School-Based Management system, schools are required to dig, allocate, prioritize, control and account for the empowerment of resources, both to the community and government. 
The basic concept of School-Based Management is 1. Decision making at the level of education held skolah, but of course remain within the corridor in general education set nationally; 2. Decision-making is done with the stake holders paritisipatif school (M. Samani, 1999:28). 
In the School-Based Management, the school has the authority to determine various operating policies of education which is believed to suit the needs and characteristics of students. There are nine areas that the authority of school based management, namely: 1. Planning and evaluation of school programs; 2. Curriculum management; 3.Management of the learning process; 4. Workforce management; 5. Management of equipment and facilities; 6. Management of equipment and facilities; 7. Financial management; 8. Service learning citizenship; 9. School and community relations; 10. Management of school climate. 
School-Based Management is a new paradigm of education that provides broad autonomy at the school level (community involvement) in the framework of national education policy. (E. Mulyasa, 2002:24) Why is the autonomy given to school? For each school can freely allocate resources and sources of funds according to priority needs. Society is also involved now so they are more understanding, helpful, and control the management of education. 
Corridor remain in force nationally, but only general in nature and schools have space to describe further. For example, there are still a lot of the national curriculum includes competency to be achieved and the subject matter. Competence and subject matter is derived from an analysis of future challenge that generally apply throughout Indonesia. Moreover, education, handed over entirely to the school (not the principal). If the national curriculum covers 60%, then the 40% left to the schools as local content in the specified subjects also nationally. 
In the School-Based Management, the school must be understood as a unit of work 'autonomous' which has the authority to make policy independently, but must hold on to the corridors of national policy. With the use of School-Based Management, schools are encouraged to prepare school development plans, including determining the vision and mission of the school, long-term goals and annual targets to be achieved, designate the number of residents who fostered learning, Learning the required number of Civil Service, and so forth. Why is authority to the school? Because most schools know the condition and needs of learning compared with the District Education Office / Kotamadia, or even the Central Province. Mindset that the school simply as a Technical Implementation Unit should be abandoned. With these principles are expected in the future every school has special characteristics that suit the needs and conditions of the community being served (the students). Special characteristic that is what eventually became the advantages of each school. 
In the School-Based Management, the function of educational bureaucracy will change. If during the function of bureaucracy as a 'builder' which in practice as a determinant of policies and controls their implementation in schools, then in the School-Based Management of these functions as a consultant to help solve the problems facing schools. The bureaucracy is only giving advice, being the final decision remains that determines school. 
Cooperation between citizens of the school (Pamong Learning, employees, residents learn, parents learn residents) and between the school community (including the workplace) should be built. Schools should be able to invite the community to "come to have" schools. Or we can say "community participation" is a condition of success school based management. To be able to foster the cooperation necessary requirement climate of openness, both in our program and financial management. Open Management should really be applied in its implementation. Lack of transparency can lead to suspicion which in turn creates a sense of lack of confidence that a major barrier to cooperation among citizens as well as schools with public schools. 
Because the authority given to the school, the school must dare to be responsible for policies and programs that have been prepared and implementation, including financial management.This means that schools must be prepared to be audited by the community, because in the School-Based Management schools are encouraged to be public property. This is where the importance of the role of community control of schools. A very important that the "authority" is expected schools to do the innovations to improve the quality of service and quality of educational outcomes. Thus the School-Based Management is only "tool" to encourage schools to be able to make innovations to suit the needs of students and community conditions. Therefore, its implementation required the ability of school leaders are clever in making a breakthrough in improving the quality of education. 

2. School-Based Management in the Era of Educational Autonomy 
Management education has two regulatory mechanisms, namely centralized and decentralized systems. In a centralized system, all of which relate to the educational practices are strictly regulated by the central government. While the decentralized system, the settings are transferred to local governments. Both systems in implementation is not apply on their own, but with the division of tasks and responsibilities between central and local governments. 
In the world of education, decentralization means devolution of power by the center to the managers of education in the region both provincial and local levels, as an extension of the central authorities to improve work efficiency in the management of education in the region. From this sentence we know that school based management is the application of the decentralization of education.That is not stopping the distribution of authority in the district / kotamadia only, but to all interested parties, including the Civil Education, parents, residents and community learning. 
The authority is not the principal but the school as a unit therein. There is a component of the Civil Learning, residents learn, parents and even society. This is intended to avoid the transfer of central authority to the principal. Principal must be accompanied by (controlled) by the interested parties (stakeholders) are represented by the School Board. So in School-Based Management, operational decision-making authority education "handed back" to people who are directly concerned with education in these schools. 
With a pattern like that, in essence the authority given to public education. Communities (represented by those who have interests and concerns) have the right to participate in determining the direction of education. This is where the essence of School-Based Management as a vehicle for the democratization of education.Education authority is not solely left to the government, but to the community. The Government is to determine the things that are basic and general. 
School-Based Management is a very fundamental change in the pattern of educational development in Indonesia. The pattern of development which has been sentraliatik become decentralized. On the other hand, schools that had been dependent on the direction and administration of funds from the center, must change in their policy to promote the school. Therefore, the implementation of school based management requires a change in attitude and behavior of all levels of education, ranging from the bureaucracy at the central, Provincial Departments of Education and District Education Office / cities and the ranks of education in schools, and even society. 

Mulyasa, E. 2002. School-Based Management.New York: Teenagers Rosdakarya. 

Samani, Muchlas. 1999. Future Education crochet.New York: Teenagers Rosdakarya 

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