Jumat, 20 Mei 2011



Abstract: Learning achievement is satisfactory will be passed on by every citizen to learn, if they can learn fairly, protected from various threats, obstacles, and interference so that they have difficulty in learning. In particular there are people who learn to overcome his own learning difficulties. But in certain cases no less citizens who do not learn to cope with learning difficulties, thus requiring the help of the Civil Learning or anyone else. Against residents who have difficulty learning to learn, the steps that can be done; data collection, data processing, diagnosis, prognosis, tratmen, and evaluation. Data collection is to identify learning difficulties people learn as a first step to overcome learning difficulties residents learn.

Keywords: learning difficulties

The main idea of
​​Vygotsky, is the sociocultural nature of learning and scoffolding (Slavin, 1994:49). He discovered the importance of social and cultural environment in learning. Residents learn to learn through interaction with adults or friends who are more capable. From this interaction will increase understanding of children. He also stressed the importance scoffolding, that provides assistance to residents to learn the required (by the Civil Learning), then reducing the assistance and providing opportunities for children to take over greater responsibility after he was able to form direction, warning, encouragement, outlines problems into solving steps, give examples, or other forms that help residents learn to grow independently.
For all citizens to learn to grow and evolve as expected from the education process, there is no effort to learn residents who have difficulty learning. But the reality in one class there are some people who have difficulty learning to learn, for it is necessary to find a way out for all residents learn to learn well and have a high achievement.

Understanding Learning
The word we hear the familiar learning and we say, even had an activity of our daily. Understanding word learning have we understand, so it does not bear a false understanding of learning problems.
Definition of learning according to some experts suggest a different formulation. Of course they have reason to be accounted for scientifically.
According W.S. Winkel (2002:59) that "learn" the man described as "an activity of mental / psychic, which took place in an active interaction with the environment, which produces a number of changes in the understanding of knowledge, skills and attitude values. That change is relatively constant. "
Slamento (2002) argued that learning is a process attempts to acquire a new behavior changes as a whole, as a result of his own experiences in interaction with the environment.
Changes that happen to a lot of good nature and kind, because it is certainly not every change in a person is a change in the sense of learning. Changes that occur in these aspects of maturity, growth and development do not include changes in the sense of learning. Slamento (2002) identified the following six behavioral changes in penegrtian study, namely:
1. Changes occur consciously
2. Changes in the study are positive and active
3. The change in the character of continuous learning and functional
4. Changes in learning rather than temporary
5. Changes in the learning aims or direction
6. The changes cover all aspects of behavior
It can be concluded that learning is both physical and mental activities to get the change as a result of individual experience in interaction with the environment that consists of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
The intended learning outcomes, may be a new ability, or a refinement or development of a capability that has been owned. The changes produced by learning, covering things that are internal, such as the ability and attitude, and include things that are ektern such as motor skills and speaking in a foreign language. Internal nature can not be directly observed while ektern can be observed.

Regarding the civil education should be learning Residents
One of the goals of education and learning is to help people learn to develop her potential to the maximum extent possible. Residents learn to look at school as a place to find the source of "stock" for the life to come. People tuapun view school as a place where children will develop their ability. Pemerintahpun hope that school will prepare children to become citizens capable and qualified.
Guidance is part of the learning process that helps children overcome learning problems. The purpose of guidance is to help students in the development of the whole personality and his ability and overcome the problem of learning difficulties. This guidance will be achieved if residents had known the Civil Learning to learn is both personal and overall potential. In other words for to help people learn better with problems or not, it must be known before all aspects and contexts (situation) of his life. Without the recognition is not possible to help residents learn effectively.

Learning Difficulties
Every citizen to learn to come to school aims to study to become a knowledgeable person, so most of their time either at home or at school used to learn.
Satisfactory learning achievements will be attained by each child, if they can learn fairly, protected from various threats, obstacles, and disturbance. But there are some people who have studied threats, obstacles and distractions so that they have difficulty in learning. In particular there are people who learn to overcome his own learning difficulties. But in certain cases no less citizens who do not learn to cope with learning difficulties, thus requiring the help of the Civil Learning or anyone else.
The conclusion is the difficulty of learning is a condition in which people learn or not students can learn fairly, due to the threat, obstacles or disruptions in learning.

Causes of Learning Difficulties
Many experts suggest the factors that cause learning difficulties with their perspective. Before discussing the causes of learning difficulties, we see first the kinds of learning difficulties experienced by residents learning. According to Syaiful Bahri (2002:200) diklasifiklasikan learning difficulties can be:
1. Viewed from learning difficulties
- There is heavy
- There is a light
2. Viewed from the eyes of the lessons learned
- There are some subjects
- There are temporary
3. Judging from the nature of the difficulty
- There is a permanent nature
- There is a temporary
4. Viewed from a contributing factor
- There is because of the intelligence
- Because there is a non-intelligence factors
While several factors that cause learning difficulties by Muhibin Shah (2002:173) can be viewed from two aspects: internal and external factors citizen learning.
1. Internal factors, residents learn, ie, things or circumstances that arise from citizens within their own learning, which includes disruption or lack of psycho-physical ability citizens to learn, namely:
a. Factors that are cognitive (the realm of copyright), such as low intelligence community learning.
b. What is aektif (sphere flavor), such as volatility in emotions, and attitudes.
c. What are psychomotor (Raa domains), such as terganggungnya senses.
2. External Factors residents to learn, namely the things that come from outside ourselves citizens of learning, covering all the circumstances surrounding environment is not supportive learning community learning activities, which include among others:
a. Residents learn family environment, such as: disharmony relationship between fathers and mothers, low family income.
b. Pekampungan environment / society, such as pekampungan slum area, a friend of a rogue village.
c. School environment, school conditions and situations close to the market, which does not attract the Civil Learning, learning resources and learning tools is low.
The factors above learning difficulty is said to be general, there are factors other learning difficulties who are said to be special. Among the factors that are specific psychological syndrome that is in the form of learning disability (learning disabilities). Syndrome means the units of presenting symptoms as an indicator of psychological abnormality that causes learning difficulties.
1. Dyslexia (dylexia), namely the inability to learn to read,
2. Disgrafia (dysgrophia), namely the inability to learn to write,
3. Diskalkulia (Dyscalculia), namely the inability to learn mathematics.
However, residents learn to learn-citizens who are actually experiencing the syndrome have normal IQs, and some even above average. Therefore, specific learning difficulties may be caused only minimal brain dysfungtion, namely mild disorders of the brain (Muhibin, 2002:174).

Citizens recognize learning Learning Difficulties
Explained residents who have difficulty learning to learn, due to the threats, obstacles, or interference in learning, thus showing the symptoms that can be observed by the Civil Learning or others.
Some of the symptoms as an indicator of learning difficulties residents learn by Djamarah (2000:212) can be seen from the instructions as follows:
1. Showed a low learning achievement, under his average.
2. Learning outcomes are achieved is not commensurate with the work done.
3. Slow in learning tasks, the task was always completed last.
4. show less reasonable attitude, ie indifferent, lying, easily offended, and so forth.
5. Not behaving as usual, ie moody, angry or another.
6. Residents learn which was high but in fact his performance IQ is low.
7. In another lesson that high achievement, but academic achievement in specific subjects fall dramatically.
From the above mentioned symptoms Pamong Learning to identify that residents are experiencing difficulty learning to learn. Learning difficulties can also be obtained by citizens learn not Pamong Learning from the above symptoms, but the Civil Learning to take actions to determine whether there is difficulty learning community of learning.

Business Can Do To Overcome Learning Difficulties
Against residents who have difficulty learning to learn, the steps that can be done in overcoming this difficulty to get out of it, and can learn well and grow independently needs to be done following these steps: data collection, data processing, diagnosis, prognosis, tratmen, and evaluation. These stages are described below.

1. Data Collection
To obtain the causes of learning difficulties several methods of data collection can be done (observation, interviews and documentation) to the object. While the activities that can be done, among others, (home visits, case studies, historical case, a private list, researching the work of children, examines the task group, conducting IQ tests or other achievement tests).
With the methods and activities of the purpose of seeking as much information to obtain as complete data.

2. Data processing
The data have been gathered, processed carefully, the data processing steps are as follows: 1. identification of cases, 2. comparison between cases, 3. compare with test results, 4. draw conclusions.

3. Diagnosis
Diganosis a decision (determination) of the data processing, so the diagnosis can be:
a. Types of learning difficulties (severe or mild) and the level of difficulty learning community.
b. Decision of the factors that become the source of the causes of learning difficulties.
c. Decisions regarding the main factor which is the source cause.
To obtain conclusive results need to ask for help from professionals in their respective fields, coupled with high precision and accuracy.

4. Prognosis
Decisions taken based on the diagnosis became the foundation in the activities of the prognosis. The prognosis is preparing programs and establishment of predictions regarding the assistance to be provided to residents to learn who is having problems.

5. Treatment
Treatment is pelakuan, namely providing assistance to students who menalami learning difficulties in accordance with a program that had been developed at this stage of the prognosis. Forms of treatments that might be done is:
a. Through individual tutoring.
b. Through tutoring groups.
c. Through remidial teaching for certain subjects.
d. Through the guidance of parents in the home.
e. Giving personal guidance tenatng psychological problems.
f. Gives a good explanation of how learning in general.
g. A good study guide in accordance with the characteristics of each subject.

6. Evaluation
This evaluation is intended to determine whether the treatment that has given successful. This means that there is progress to bring students out of trouble learning difficulties, or perhaps there is a failure. When the treatments failed to be repeated until the student can exit the learning difficulties.

Based on the description of our article above there are some things that can be inferred, namely:
1. Learning is essentially a process of physical and mental being undertaken to obtain the change as a result of self-experience interaction with the environment for self-development of the learners.
2. In order for students to develop themselves in an optimal learning situation it is very necessary and conducive conditions. In fact not all the way there are some students who say learning difficulties. The definition of learning difficulty is, a condition in which the students can not learn properly, due to the threat, obstacles or disruptions in learning.
3. The cause of this problem from the student (internal) or factors outside the student (external), and can be grouped into several types of learning difficulties.
4. To get out of trouble learning difficulties Pamong Learning or others should provide assistance to students with the methods and measures student learning solutions and some alternative solutions.


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