Jumat, 20 Mei 2011


Abstract: The professional teacher is a teacher who is able to managing the learning system that includes strategies, methods, learning resources, and instructional media. Today, the alternative media source selection and learning more in textbooks, modules overhead transparencies, film, video, television, slides, and so forth. As a professional teacher who claimed to be able to choose and use a shared media type of learning that is around that can support the smooth and the achievement of learning goals. Moreover, the learning Package B equivalent to junior high school program, the "fact" in some places its implementation, facilities and infrastructure are still very limited, so the use of the media must adapt to these limitations.

Key words: media, learning

Learning that is designed to produce an excellent study, can be delivered with different strategies and using various media. With the use of media to help towards the success of Teaching and Learning Activities (Teaching and Learning Activity). This can be said that the media is an integral part of learning. In other words, that the instructional media is media that the user is integrated with the purpose and content of teaching, usually written in lines of Teaching Planning (GBPP), which is intended to enhance the quality of Teaching and Learning Activities.
Medium term when used in an educational context means a combination of goods or goods appaun system that is used to convey communication or other stimulus to student learning. This means that the media was not only seen as a mere tool for teachers to teach, but rather as a means of channeling the message (teacher, author, procedure, etc.) to the recipient of a (student). As a bearer of a message, the media is not only used by teachers, but more importantly can be used by students. Therefore, as a presenter and channeling messages in certain cases the media can represent teachers convey information more thoroughly, clear and interesting.
The task of teachers is systematically studying material poured into media programs, and then arranged for interaction between people who have poured into these media programs.

Understanding Learning Media
Understanding the media is often misinterpreted by means of its supporting equipment. To avoid the wrong interpretation (misunderstanding) is a tool of learning is all that can be used to deliver messages (study materials), so as to stimulate attention, interests, thoughts and feelings of students in learning activities to achieve goals.

Function Media Learning
On the basis of the definition of media itself, it can be seen that the function of the media itself, among others: (1) as carriers of information or learning messenger, (2) prevention of barriers to the learning process. In other words, can solve problems that occur in learning.
The introduction of functions and media capability of learning is very important when the media will be an integral part of the learning system as the basic policy in the selection, development and utilization of the media can not be separated from this knowledge.
At first the media only serves as a means of visual aids in teaching and learning activities, which formed as a means that can provide a visual experience to students, among others: to build interest (motivation) to learn, clarify and simplify the abstract concepts, and enhance absorption or retention of learning . But after the birth of audio-visual in the 20th century a lot of emphasis on the use of concrete experience to avoid verbal (Miarso, et al. 1980).
Communication theory in the late 1950s began to introduce audio-visual aids, so that the media function as props shifted into channeling messages / information to learn. In connection with this Lannon (in Latuheru, 1988) says that: (1) useful learning media to attract students to the teaching materials presented, (2) instructional media useful in increasing
congeniality protégé of teaching materials presented, (3) learning media are able to provide / present a strong and reliable data about a case or incident, (4) learning media are useful for strengthening the information, and (5) with the use of learning media, it is easy to use and data processing.
As a component of media learning systems have different functions the media has a different function with the function of other components, namely as a component loaded to be delivered to student learning. In the process of delivering this message is often the case that resulted in disruption of learning message is not received by the students as what is meant by messenger or learners (Degeng, 2000). He further said that the disturbances of communication between learners and students is probably due to the following points: 1) verbal, 2) a misinterpretation, 3) double attention, 4) Establishment of perception meaningless, 5) Environmental conditions do not support.
Disorders of communication between tutors and residents to learn as described above, very often the case in the learning process Package B equivalent to junior high program. Therefore, it required the selection of appropriate learning media.
Selection of appropriate media, in accordance with the features it has, will be able to minimize these disturbances. In general mempounyai media features such as the following: (1) The ability of the fixative. This means that the media has the ability to capture, store, and then hand back an object or event. With this capability means that an object or event can be drawn, photographed, filmed, or recorded and then can be stored longer and when necessary it can be shown again and again observed as the original event, (2) The ability of manipulative. This means that with this ability to display the back of a media object or event with a variety of ways tailored to the needs. That is the appearance of an object or event that can be changed in size, speed and can be repeated his performance, (3) Ability distributive. This means that with this capability, in the very appearance of an object or event observer can menjangku very much. For example with the use of TV or radio media.
Judging from the features it has, the media has a clear function to avoid or minimize the delivery of a message communication disorders of learning. Broadly speaking media functions can be expressed as follows: (1) avoid the occurrence of verbal, (2) generate interest / motivation, (2) generate interest / motivation, (3) draw attention to student / student, (4) overcoming limitations: space , time and size, (5) to enable students in learning activities, (6) effective provision of stimulus for learning.

Selection and Use of Learning Media

 Selection of Media
There are several principles that need to be considered by the learner in selecting and using instructional media. In connection with this Ely (in Abraham, 2001:115) argues that: the selection of media should not deviate from the context that the media is a component of the overall learning system. Therefore, although the purpose and contents have been known, other factors such as student characteristics, learning strategies, organizational learning study group, time and resource allocation, and selection procedures should also be considered. As a practical approach suggestions to consider what the media is, how much, how long it takes to get it, and what format the user's appetite. Then Degeng (2000) put forward several principles in the selection of instructional media, among others: (1) The purpose of learning. Media should dipilihan that can support the achievement of learning objectives that have been defined previously. Maybe there are a number of alternative media that are considered suitable for these objectives. Wherever possible choose the most suitable. Suitability is determined by the compliance characteristics of destination with the characteristics of instructional media that will be used, (2) Effectiveness. From some of the alternative media that has been selected, whichever is deemed most effective to achieve its intended purpose, (3) Students. Are the media who have been selected according to ability, vocabulary and draw attention to students' experience? Used to whom? Whether an individual or small group, class or mass? For face-to-face learning or distance learning, (4) Availability. Is media needed was available? If not, whether the media that can be easily obtained? For availability of the media there are several alternatives that can be taken is to make your own, make together students, borrow, hire. Buying and maybe we can be "dropping" from the government, (5) The cost of procurement. When you need a cost for the procurement of media, whether the available fee for it? Was issued in balance with the benefits and hasli user? Are there other media that may be cheaper, but have equal effectiveness?, (6) The technical quality. Are the media chosen is good quality? If you're using media images, for example, whether qualified as a medium of education? How was the durability of the selected media?

 Use of Media
The teacher is not enough just to know nilali, usability and runway use instructional media, but also must also know how to use it. No one of the most superior media for all purposes. All media is only suitable for specific learning purposes, but may not be suitable for another. In connection with the use of this learning media, Degeng (2000) says: there are several principles that need to be considered by the learner, namely: (1) The media is an integral part of teaching-learning process. This means that the media not just as a tool to teach only, but is an inseparable part of teaching-learning process. Establishment of a media should be with the other components in the design of teaching. Without a tool to teach the learning may still be able to take place, but without the learning media that will not happen, (2) Any media who want to use, the end goal is to facilitate student learning. Ease of student learning should be used as the primary reference selection and use of a medium, (3) The use of various media in an activity having objectives which together with ongoing learning, (4) Media selection should be objective (based on learning goals), not based on pleasure on personal pleasure, (5) The use of several media at once would be confusing students. The use of multi-media using the media does not mean that much at once, but certain media selected for a particular purpose and another for other purposes also, (6) Good and bad things the media do not depend on kekonkritan and keabstrakannya. Media only the concrete its form, may be difficult to understand due to the complexity, but the abstract can also give a precise definition.

The definition of media in learning leads to something that deliver information (messages) between the source (its message) and the recipient. Or used to say the media is channeling messages or information learned.
The function of the media itself, among others: (1) as carriers of information or learning messenger, (2) prevention of barriers to the learning process. In other words, can solve problems that occur in learning.


Gerbach. Vernon, Subjective; Ely, Donald, P.1971. Teaching the Media. USA: Prentice Hall,Inc..

Ibrahim; sikhabudin; Supriyanto; Kustiawan, Usep.2001. Learning Media. Serving Material Teaching
Deed of Education program. Dep. National Education.

Miarso; Yusuphadi; et al. 1984. CommunicationTechnology Education. Jakarta: CV Rajawali.

Latuheru, John, D. 1988. Learning Media. Jakarta:Dep. Dikbud. Dirjin Higher Education.

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