Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Inactivity meaning Citizens Education

Inactivity meaning Citizens Education (Case Study Group of Sports Practice OBC District Youth Soccer Tumpang Malang

Abstract: The occurrence of inactivity residents learn OBC District Youth Soccer Tumpang Malang on routine training activities of the research behind this. This study used a qualitative approach that tries to describe the meaning of inactivity residents learn. Attempt to obtain information in this study using a snowball technique (snow ball sampling). Data was collected through observation and interview documentation. The results showed the reasons that cause people to learn is the inactivity of the coaches and facilities and infrastructure. Meaning that can be constructed from those reasons is dissatisfaction and limitations.

Keywords: Inactivity, KBO

Education carried out in various channels, namely formal education, non-formal education and informal education. Formal education is organized through schools, non formal education through labor training centers, institutions and similar skills, while informal education takes place within the family environment. As in formal education, in non-formal education channels are also known and applied life skills education (life skills) which is basically an educational effort to improve life skills every wartga country.
Understanding life skills are the skills one has to dare to face the problems of life and living with a fair without feeling pressured, then proactively and creatively seeking to find a solution that was finally able to overcome them.
Life skills can be divided into four types, namely:
1. Personal Skills (Personal Skill)
2. Social Skills (Social Skills)
3. Academic Skills (Academic Skill)
4. Vocational Skills (Vocational Skill)
(Life Skills Manual PLS, 2003)
Implementation of life skills education at the unit and outside of school education programs, primarily in the context of poverty alleviation and unemployment reduction, with more emphasis on learning efforts that could provide income (learning and earning). In other words, the key of the PLS program is the mastery of skills.
Limits not only the tangible skills are skilled in producing a particular work, but also skilled in doing things, so that these skills can provide benefits in human life. Director General of the PLS has established a broad-based education approach BBE (Broad Based Education) in the application of the concept of life skills with a view to empowering the community which is characterized by:
1. Ability to read and write functionally in both Indonesian and one foreign language (English, Arabic, Mandarin, and so on).
2. Ability to formulate and solve problems that are processed through the learning of scientific thinking, research, discovery and creation.
3. The ability to calculate with or without the help of technology to support both the ability of the above.
4. Ability to use various technologies in various fields of life (agriculture, fisheries, animal husbandry, handicrafts, home of starting, health, communication, information, manufacturing and industry, commerce, arts, performances.
5. The ability to manage natural resources, social, cultural and environmental.
6. Ability to work in teams in both the informal and formal sectors.
7. The ability to understand ourselves, others and the environment.
8. The ability of constantly trying to become human learners.
9. The ability to integrate education and learning with the ethics of socio-religious nation based on Pancasila values.
Looking at the ninth ability Konsel life skills in the application of the above, it appears that the ability to exercise is one component that can encourage community empowerment.
Sports coaching soccer is a form of non-formal education which was made outside the formal education system (schools). Non-formal education is the path of education outside the formal education that can be implemented in a structured and tiered (RI National Education Act, No. 20 in 2003).
Sports Practice Group (OBC) Youth Soccer, District Tumpang, Malang district began around 2001 to 2006. KBO It began as a few people who have a penchant for exercising adolescent soccer, they get together and play on a football pitch in the area Tumpang, then formed a group to practice sports of football coaches and participants.
Departing from the above description of sports practice group (OBC) can be said to be one part of the PLS because it is a study group that focuses on improving a specific skill that was held outside the school track.
In the development OBC Youth Football this year by one until the fourth year (2001 to 2005), participants were very active participation in the following activities in the KBO. This is evident from the percentage of attendance of participants who achieve 100% each week. But in the fifth year (2006) OBC Youth Soccer is a very large decrease in percentage of attendance of participants who only reaches 30% every week.
This is an interesting phenomenon to be investigated. According to the theory andragogi an activity organized by the needs of learning (participants Football OBC) should be in great demand by citizens to learn and will provide a high participation in the learning process. The question is why the participation of this soccer OBC declined in terms of training activities in this KBO they crave?
The importance of educational interactions, in this case is between the coach and players or residents to learn, absolutely must be done in the OBC District Youth Soccer Tumpang as seen from the history of KBO which only comes from a group of youths who have a penchant for the same at a location so that the necessary framework more clearly for the program to run.
From the results of field observation, the method of delivery of material directly through explanation and demonstration by the coach and discussion to solve problems is imposed on a routine exercise in the KBO Youth Football in District Tumpang Malang. This is in accordance with the opinion Brokkfield (in Soedomo, 1989) mengemukakakan several principles should be for learning activities for adult learning activities are: (1) that the participation of citizens studying in the learning activities should be based on voluntary leases based on the needs of the citizens to learn, (2) the learning activities should be based on respect for all study participants and facilitators in the sense of mutual respect, (3) learning activities should be based on a spirit of cooperation between the civil effective for adults is not a theoretical teaching and practice, between reaction and reflection, between learning and work, (5) learning activities should be to increase taste sensitivity and critical attitude people learn, which raised my curiosity, able to solve the problems faced by looking for new alternatives, (6) learning activities should always be to encourage and excite the desire to always learn and always change or improve attitudes, knowledge and skills that have been held.
To support adult learning, Abdulhak (2003:13) describes a number of assumptions relating to the motivation to help adults learn that among the residents learned that often exchange ideas through discussion if the instructor provides the motivation for it. They talk to solve problems. This assumption provides a good example to us as to where the good cooperation between the citizens learn that would lead to reciprocal interaction with the environment.

REASONS PEOPLE LEARN inactivity KBO Soccer Youth Association overlapping SUB
Associated with decreased motivation because of the coach Abdulhak (2001:13) express assumption associated with motivation to help adults learn that adults have the motivation to learn which previously less motivated, but in themselves they have no consciousness for learning. Adults having communication with fellow citizens to learn and continue to grow. They often mengemukakakan ideas and new ideas with their learning environment because they are less informed than isntruktur as their motivator. If the instructor is less active in membahasa problems, especially problems that will come probably due to the difficulty of delivery, especially problems that will come probably due to the difficulty of delivering material to them. This can result in people learning less motivated in their learning so they are difficult to learn and one private place with the student.
Other findings in the field based on the observation and interviews, is the decrease in motivation to learn to train citizens in the KBO Youth Soccer in the District of Intercropping is the availability of infrastructure and inadequate local government support that it is less.
Inventory emergence of interest in a person depends on what object the focus of attention, so that a person who has an interest in a particular object can be changed at some point because of the influence of interest by either of the individual self or from outside the individual.
According to the Ministry of Education (1999) things that affect the interest consists of two types: (1) internal factors that appear to not be influenced by other factors both their needs and environment, (2) external factors due to the influence of demand and environmental influences.

LEARN THE MEANING OF CITIZEN inactivity KBO Soccer Youth Association overlapping SUB
Based on the findings in the field, meaning that can be constructed from the reasons advanced by Waga learned through interviews with researchers are:
1. Dissatisfaction
Reduced motivation to learn in following the activities of resident training at Youth Soccer KBO in District Tumpang occurred in the fifth step on the implementation of the program. This began since the coach got married and started off to train. Many people learn that do not get along with the characters and how to train yourself a new coach. Thompson (1991:177), suggests that the practice requires a very high professionalism. Coaches not only have professional and personal standards are high, but also must live with it.
The relationship between coach and athlete is not just a problem setting up achievements in the competition arena or stadium, but also include attitude formation and establishment problems in the broader problem.
Less harmonious relationship between the coach let alone a replacement coach with residents to learn, have a significant impact. Any agreed not, the presence of new coach to replace the old coach is to provide a new burden for the coach, because people tend to compare learning in order to be accepted by the citizens learn OBC District Youth Soccer Tumpang, remember the old coach has pioneered the establishment of jointly OBC with residents to learn that having a close proximity.
The ability to create a fun situation to pelaksanaannnya training process is an absolute thing that people have a coach. Arif (1990:85), in relation to the duty of a coach, the knowledge and skills most needed by the coach. As an educator, he should have general knowledge about the philosophy of education so that he could make it easier for other people, then he must have an understanding of how to create a situation and learning environment so that everyone turned to get something.
2. Limitation
The second meaning that can be constructed from finding things on the field relates to decreased motivation to learn citizens OBC District Youth Soccer Tumpang is limited. The meaning of the limitations of lack of support from local government to develop a presence OBC District Youth Soccer Tumpang.
Knox (1976:98-116) said an important factor affecting the quality of learning in adult education courses there are three sources, namely: (1) program as a facilitator of physical education environment, (2) course materials must be tailored to the objectives, content, use of technical and cost, (3) program of cooperation with other institutions to collaborate and help each other.
Based on the following second opinion, if the findings in the field associated with the quality of the program can not be maximal because of non-fulfillment of important factors that should exist in the educational process.

Entering the fifth year of a decline in motivation to learn in training residents, which is caused by factors from the coaches, facilities, infrastructure and local government support.
Meaning that can be constructed, of the reasons for inactivity citizens are learning to follow the activities of discontent and limitations.


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